

Appendix 2 of the Terms of use for Satakirjastot libraries.

Overdue fines and the costs of return reminders and billing are charged for loans returned or renewed after their due date. No overdue fines are charged for material from the libraries’ departments for children and young people.

Overdue fines are accrued for all calendar days after the due date up to a maximum amount. Charges are also incurred even in cases where the renewal of loans has been unsuccessful due to interruptions in the use of the web library or other technical problems.

Overdue fines are registered in the customer records and they can be paid at any library in the Satakirjastot organisation or via the library website.

A fee is charged for uncollected reserved material. Interlibrary loans are also subject to fees. Lost or damaged material must be reimbursed by paying the compensation set by the library.

Borrowing rights are suspended if the customer has 10 euros or more of unpaid library fees.

Overdue fines

Overdue fines will be accrued from the day the item is overdue.

The overdue fine for adult material is €0.25/item/day. Children’s and young people’s material are only subject to reminder fees.

The maximum overdue fine per item is €7.

Reminders for overdue material

First reminder €1.50

  • The first reminder will be sent one week after the due date via text message, email or post, depending on the customer’s preference
  • If the material is reserved, the reminder will be sent immediately after the due date

Second reminder €3

  • The second reminder will be sent 4 weeks after the due date by post

The bill for unreturned material €7.50

  • The bill for unreturned material will be sent 8 weeks after the due date by post
  • - In addition, handling costs including the costs of the first and second reminder (€4.50) and overdue fines will also be charged

Uncollected reservations

The reservation of materials belonging to Satakirjastot libraries is free of charge. A fee of €1 will be charged for uncollected reserved material.

Interlibrary services

Material not available in the Satakirjastot libraries can be ordered from other libraries.

  • Loans from Finland: €8/order
  • Loans from the Nordic countries: €15/order
  • Loans from other countries: €30/order
  • Reproductions will also be subject to a fee set by the lending library

An interlibrary service fee will be charged for uncollected materials. If the customer cancels the loan request, the fee will still apply if the item has already been sent from the lending library.

Library-specific fees

In addition to the above there can be also library-sprecific fees.