
Loan periods, limits, renewals and reservations

Apprendix 1 of the Terms of use for Satakirjastot libraries.

The loan period for material can vary from 1 to 28 days.

Books and recorded music 28 days

DVDs, Blu-Rays, videos, console games and magazines 14 days (28 days from book buses)

Express loans 14 days

Some of the libraries have a hatch for returning material. Borrowed material left in the return hatch will be recorded as returned on the next day when the library is open. The material is left in the return hatch at the customer’s own risk.

Upon request, customers can be given advance notification by email 1–5 days before the due date, if the customer has provided their email address to the library. The due date is binding, even without advance notification. The libraries are not held responsible for disturbances in electronic communications and such disturbances will not warrant a reduction in fines.

The maximum number of loans per customer is 150 items, including:

Max. 50 CD discs

Max. 30 DVD discs

Max. 10 console games

Max. 10 Blu-Ray items

Loans can be renewed 8 times. Renewals can be made at the library, by telephone, or online. A loan cannot be renewed if the item has been reserved or if the customer has lost their right to borrow material. Restrictions may apply to renewing loans of some materials. Express loans, for example, cannot be renewed.

Material belonging to Satakirjastot libraries can be reserved free of charge. Reservations can be made at the library, by telephone, or online. The reserved material must be borrowed within 7 days of the notification of its arrival.